Whether it is a road trip, staycation or stay-and-play packages, Manitobans might want to take advantage of the Tourism Rebate Incentive Program (TRIP) again this year.
Piloted last summer at the height of the pandemic, the program is designed to boost local tourism spending by encouraging Manitobans to spend within the province.
According to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, almost 25,000 Manitobans took advantage of the program last year. This resulted in $5.5 million in direct spending at recreational properties.
This year, Manitobans can choose from ONE of TWO rebate options:
1) Book and stay in a hotel, motel, or resort in Manitoba, then access a $100 rebate
2) Manitobans looking for a day trip or outing can visit one of the province’s 31 participating Star Attractions, then upload a proof of purchase receipt to access a 50% rebate on general admission.
For TRIP Phase 3, the dates eligible for rebates will be Friday, May 6 to Monday, May 16, 2022, with the window to upload receipts closing one week later, at 11:59 PM on Monday, May 23, 2022.
The program is open to all Manitoba residents aged over 18 and is based on a first come first serve basis with rebates available until funds are expended.
The $100 cheque will be sent in the mail or deposited electronically via PayPal.
Register and upload proof of purchase receipts at www.tripmb.ca.